By Gary Bennett
The following ditty is sung to the tune of Steve Martin’s 1977 smash hit King Tut. Our favorite president is in the starring role, of course. Apologies to Mr. Martin, one of my all-time favorites.

King Trump
Now when he ran for pres’dent,
He never thought he’d win
Just an infomercial
To get jobs for all his kin.
(King Trump)
How’d you get so lazy?
(Funky Trump)
Your grammar sure is crazy.
Born in New York City,
Isn’t it a pity.
(King Trump).
(King Trump)
Now, if I’d known
That I could not be King,
(King Trump)
I’d taken all my money
And bought my Vlad a ring.
(King Trump)
Never read the Constitution
(Funky Trump)
Have no fear of retribution!
Born in New York City,
People say I’m not so witty
(King Trump)
(Trump, Trump)
Bullshit by the pile,
(Disco Trump, Trump)
Bill Barr sure loves his style,
(Boss Trump, Trump)
Colludin’ all the while
(Rockin’ Trump, Trump)
His fans shout “Trump Sieg Heil!”
He gave his life for racism!
Orangish tint!
Knows 75 words!
Now, when I vote
Please don’t think that I’m a chump,
(King Trump)
I’d rather chew my arm off,
Then to side with ole king Trump.
(King Trump)
He should’a won an Emmy,
(King Trump)
I’ll sign the checks, please lem’me,
(King Trump)
Movin’ to Miami; shootin’ Lysol in my fanny.
He was born a rich tycoon-a, nasty questions clear the room-a,
(King Trump)