By Gary Bennett

This article appears in the April 12, 2022, issue of the Frederick News Post
Just when you think this kind of nonsense can’t happen here, a merry band of pirates take over a BOE health curriculum committee meeting and threaten violence if they don’t get their way.
It seems clear the lessons of Kindergarten and first grade on how to conduct yourselves are lost on them. How ironic. I would like to assure the committee volunteers who give their time, efforts and talent freely that this despicable group does not speak for a majority of Frederick County citizens. Most of us stand with the science and expert opinion when it comes to educating our children.
I don’t think there is any doubt that the group of four including Cindy Rose and Tiffany Noble running for the Board of Education on the so-called “Education Not Indoctrination” slate has sealed their election fate. Frederick County will not put up with this kind of conduct no matter how strongly held your beliefs are. These are not the kind of people we want in charge of anything. In fact, to add clarity to the upcoming election I propose this group be called for what they are—the Intolerance Not Education slate.