Advocates For Homeless Families

Wishes You Happy Holidays!

Advocates for Homeless Families is a unique and invaluable community resource for Frederick County’s struggling families with children. The support we provide to homeless families offers transitional housing and a year-long program of guidance that helps adults improve their standards of living and achieve permanent stable housing.

These are true gifts to be celebrated this holiday season.

Advocates’ families succeed in breaking the cycle of poverty and homelessness through gainful employment, increased education, and the caring support of case managers who keep them accountable. Since 1988, more than 2,500 homeless adults and children have become self-sustaining, contributing members of the Frederick community. They are our nurses, computer technicians, chefs, social service workers, members of the hospitality industry, and members of other professions, trades, and businesses.

Your gift to Advocates for Homeless Families helps us fulfill the promise of each family we serve. This year, we have provided housing and access to housing for 96 homeless adults and 99 children. We could not do this without your partnership.

Thank you for including Advocates for Homeless Families on your holiday giving list.



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ADDRESS: _______________________

CITY: _______________ STATE: ____ ZIP: ______

PHONE: _____________ EMAIL: _______________

Advocates for Homeless Families
216 Abrecht Place, Frederick, MD 21701 301-662-2003


Frederick County sheriff election wasn’t stolen

By Gary Bennett

This article appeared in the November, 29, 2022 issue of the Frederick News Post

As a proud centrist Democrat, I would like to congratulate Sheriff Chuck Jenkins on his reelection. It was a tight race, but no, I don’t believe the election was stolen. I believe the outcome was what a majority of Frederick County citizens wanted. I challenge the other side to say the same thing publicly about the county executive race.

I certainly wish folks like Cindy Rose would reconsider their rhetoric about fair and unfair elections. I’m sure it hurts to lose, but to cast doubt on our local election without a shred of evidence harms all of us. It especially disparages us regular citizens who served as election judges.

Folks should know that there is simply no way to get away with anything as an election judge. Even if you were so inclined, there are just too many prying eyes, regulations to follow and peer pressure to try anything untoward. Of course, in America, you can hold any opinion you wish and say it out loud without fear of retribution. That’s one thing that makes America great. But, you should know that when it is a reckless, ill-informed opinion, it makes you look, well, less than smart, and perhaps someone who should never be in authority.

If Republicans are tired of seeing their leads slip away as the early votes and mail-in votes are counted, I suggest they take advantage of those tactics themselves. Most of the races were tight and could have gone either way. I believe this means that most Frederick County citizens wish to be governed from the center. I hope Sheriff Jenkins and Jessica Fitzwater are paying attention.