Advocates for Homeless Families is a unique and invaluable community resource for Frederick County’s struggling families with children. The support we provide to homeless families offers transitional housing and a year-long program of guidance that helps adults improve their standards of living and achieve permanent stable housing.
These are true gifts to be celebrated this holiday season.
Advocates’ families succeed in breaking the cycle of poverty and homelessness through gainful employment, increased education, and the caring support of case managers who keep them accountable. Since 1988, more than 2,500 homeless adults and children have become self-sustaining, contributing members of the Frederick community. They are our nurses, computer technicians, chefs, social service workers, members of the hospitality industry, and members of other professions, trades, and businesses.
Your gift to Advocates for Homeless Families helps us fulfill the promise of each family we serve. This year, we have provided housing and access to housing for 96 homeless adults and 99 children. We could not do this without your partnership.
Thank you for including Advocates for Homeless Families on your holiday giving list.
As a proud centrist Democrat, I would like to congratulate Sheriff Chuck Jenkins on his reelection. It was a tight race, but no, I don’t believe the election was stolen. I believe the outcome was what a majority of Frederick County citizens wanted. I challenge the other side to say the same thing publicly about the county executive race.
I certainly wish folks like Cindy Rose would reconsider their rhetoric about fair and unfair elections. I’m sure it hurts to lose, but to cast doubt on our local election without a shred of evidence harms all of us. It especially disparages us regular citizens who served as election judges.
Folks should know that there is simply no way to get away with anything as an election judge. Even if you were so inclined, there are just too many prying eyes, regulations to follow and peer pressure to try anything untoward. Of course, in America, you can hold any opinion you wish and say it out loud without fear of retribution. That’s one thing that makes America great. But, you should know that when it is a reckless, ill-informed opinion, it makes you look, well, less than smart, and perhaps someone who should never be in authority.
If Republicans are tired of seeing their leads slip away as the early votes and mail-in votes are counted, I suggest they take advantage of those tactics themselves. Most of the races were tight and could have gone either way. I believe this means that most Frederick County citizens wish to be governed from the center. I hope Sheriff Jenkins and Jessica Fitzwater are paying attention.
When you meet James Hubbard for the first time, a sense of quiet confidence, competence and thoughtfulness comes through clearly.
And, it’s no wonder after the things he saw and accomplished in Vietnam in the late 1960s. He especially points to the story of his “alive day”—a day he not only remained alive under dire circumstances but proved he could think and function well under extreme pressure.
March 30, 1968 was a typical hot and humid day at fire support base Fels in the Vietnam delta near the town of Cai Lay. The base served as field headquarters for an infantry battalion. Sometime after 5:30 pm, the Viet Cong started dropping mortar rounds onto the base from about 1,000 yards away. Unfortunately, a few of the rounds caused six or seven casualties among the troops, a few very serious.
The battalion surgeon was soon on the phone asking then Lieutenant Hubbard for helicopters to immediately evacuate the worst casualties to a field hospital for treatment. Trouble was, it was extremely dark with no moon or stars to guide the chopper pilots. For just such an emergency, Captain Hubbard and his men had constructed a helipad, complete with 15 slanted holes about five yards apart in the shape of a T to hold tin cans that would, in turn, hold 15 flashlights to guide the pilots onto the base. This did the trick and the chopper landed safely.
Unfortunately, the chopper, with its flashing red lights, made a good target and the enemy soon started firing again. Through the chaos of shouts, screams of wounded men and enemy fire, Captain Hubbard and his men got the casualties loaded onto the chopper and out of harm’s way just as the last round landed near to their position. Extreme courage, preparation and inventiveness had saved the day. Captain Hubbard went on to receive the Silver Star for his service in Vietnam.
In 1973 Captain Hubbard was medically discharged by the Army due to a serious illness. Otherwise, he would have made the Army his career. The discipline and leadership skills he learned in the Army served him well over his long civilian career as a director and lobbyist for the American Legion, where he was a frequent presence testifying on Capitol Hill. One of his proudest moments at the Legion was assisting in the approval and dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC.
Not one to stop working, Captain Hubbard now serves as a volunteer at Monocacy National Battlefield giving tours and explaining what went on at this hallowed battlefield during the Civil War. “My time in the military taught me a lot about myself, about leadership, about buckling down and getting the job done, about decision-making. It was a really enjoyable part of my life, even though some of it was fraught with danger.”
James B. Hubbard, Jr. and his wife Judy live in Frederick and celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary in 2022. They have two daughters and four grandchildren. Daughter Deborah Nylec assisted in the development of his book. To read more about Captain Hubbard’s time in Vietnam, read his book, From Michigan to Mekong, Letters on Life, Learning, Love and War 1961-1968.
Name: James Hubbard Current Age: 79 Hometown: Ludington, MI Year Enlisted: 1966 Years of Service: 6.5 Branch: Army Rank when retired: Captain
Shawn Rearden never saw himself as a leader but concludes his military service brought that out in him. “A few years ago, I had an evaluation and my manager at the time said you know that you’re one of the people in the OR that’s really looked up to as a leader, and I was like ‘really, why?’ I didn’t understand it—I’d never seen myself as that type of person.”
Rearden knows he wouldn’t be where he is today without his time in the service. He is a Surgical First Assistant at Frederick Health, and he’s working towards his nursing degree, on schedule to achieve that in December 2023. Rearden has been married to his wife Jen for 15 years and has a 12-year-old daughter, Molly. The Reardens make their home in Adamstown near Point of Rocks.
He enlisted in the Navy at 18 after four years of Army ROTC in high school and served for seven and a half years. The Navy was a no-brainer for Rearden as both his father and grandfather served in that branch. It also didn’t hurt that the Navy offered some of the best medical training available. As with many young men, military service offered a career path, a way to pay for college through the Gi Bill and a way to get out of his small town.
Rearden misses the structure and camaraderie at times but doesn’t feel like he particularly needed the structure at 18. He understands, however, that many young people do. “It’s not for everyone. If you have a problem with authority, you’re not going to do well. But if you can suck up your pride and realize they are breaking you down to rebuild you in a way that will make you productive then they’ll bring out the best in you. They definitely brought out the best in me.”
Rearden’s seamless transition from military to civilian life serves as a guide for others about to leave the service. He says it is important to get training that you can translate to civilian life. “Make sure you get some kind of certification that you can use when you get out. For me, Naval Hospital Corps School was basically the first semester of nursing school.” In fact, the training is so good that employers take notice right away. For his first job after leaving the military, Rearden said the hiring manager quipped “Maybe I should interview you. No, I’m going to hire you anyway. What shift do you want to work?”
Name: Shawn Rearden Current Age: 40 Hometown: Sunbury, PA Years of Service: 7.5 Branch: Navy Rank when left service: Petty Officer 3rd Class (HM3)
If you’re newly retired, thinking about retiring, or you’ve been retired for quite some time, you might find yourself wanting to get more involved in your community.
A local Lions club is a great place to start.
You certainly don’t have to be retired to request membership in a local club, but it does help. According to Lions statistics, more than half of all members in the district that serves Frederick County are 65 or older. Another one-third are in the second half of their working lives, ages 45 to 65.
For retired folks, membership and community service through Lions clubs can give lives new meaning after your working days are over.
Lions often talk about the aha moment when true community care becomes clear to them.
For Susan Favorite of the Thurmont Lions Club, that moment came a number of years ago.
“We had conducted a pre-school vision screening on several children in the community. We had a child that came up with ‘refer’ as the recommendation, meaning the child should see an ophthalmologist,” Favorite recalls. “In the end, that the young child needed glasses. The story of how that child looked at its mother after putting those glasses on and saying “Mommy, I can see you now” makes me tear up to this day.”
Other Lions are young professionals and even students in middle school, high school and college who form what are called Leo clubs. Lions welcome anyone, even if they have limited time to help.
Lions are arguably the world’s most active service club. They get involved in just about every human need imaginable. As its literature puts it: “Where there’s a need, there’s a Lion.”
Indeed, each Lions club has its own service focus, but there are five global causes of particular interest that Lions seek to address:
• Reduce the prevalence of diabetes and improve quality of life for those diagnosed
• Prevent avoidable blindness and improve quality of life for people who are blind and visually impaired
• Ensure all community members have access to nutritious foods
• Protect and restore our environment to improve the well-being of all communities
• Support the needs of children and families affected by childhood cancer.
Lions, no matter the hardship, are happy to work with at-risk youth in after school programs.
There are over 48,000 Lions clubs and 1.4 million members worldwide. They are located in every continent and in more than 200 countries. In the U.S., Lions clubs are in every state and just about every town of every size.
The umbrella organization, Lions Club International, is large, but individual Lions clubs are relatively small. Local Lions clubs enjoy national and international support but have wide latitude in how they operate, what they do and how they serve their communities. Most Lions clubs in Frederick County have between 20 and 50 members.
It’s also worth noting how Lions clubs have also stood the test of time. They’ve been around for more than 100 years, formed in 1917 by a Chicago business leader, Melvin Jones, who wondered what would happen if people put their talents to work improving their communities.
Lions from Maryland have been here almost from the start, too.
This past August, Lions from Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia met in Hunt Valley to celebrate 100 years as a multiple district.
The Lions club of Frederick also just celebrated its centennial anniversary.
Frederick County is part of Lions district 22W, which includes Maryland’s five westernmost counties. Several of these Lions clubs currently serve Frederick County. Three serve Frederick city — Frederick, Frederick Fusion and Francis Scott Key clubs. Most other Frederick municipalities and towns have their own clubs, too — Brunswick, Emmitsburg, Libertytown, Middletown, Mount Airy, Myersville, New Market, Thurmont and Walkersville-Woodsboro.
In Frederick County, Lions give countless hours of their time and energy to live up to their very simple motto of “We serve.” Lions reported that last year alone, this multiple district served more than 700,000 people with more than 6,000 service projects and nearly 150,000 volunteer hours.
Lions work on the front lines in the fight against hunger.
The following list of service projects only scratches the surface of what Lions do for the Frederick area:
• Provide recycled, used eyeglasses to those in need
• Provide used medical equipment to those in need
• Provide free vision screenings (and will soon introduce their first Mobile Screening Unit van that will travel to where they are needed most)
• Help to eliminate preventable blindness through Lions Vision Research Rehabilitation Center in conjunction with Wilmer Eye Institute
• Provide financial assistance to the Lions Vision Research Foundation (LVRF) that provides assistance and support of the Lions Vision Center at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore
• Provide used hearing aids and batteries to those in need
• Provide support to veterans, those with diabetes and those with pediatric cancer
• Improve the environment by planting trees and cleaning up parks and roads
• Support and help fund training of Leader Dogs for the Blind
• Support Lions Camp Merrick, a camp for children with Type 1 diabetes located in Charles County
• Hold community drives for food, blood, shoes and warm clothes
• Support “Sleep in Heavenly Peace” project that supplies beds to children who need them
• Provide scholarships for graduating seniors
• Assist schools and Little League teams with supplies and funding
• Bring the community together in service with such events as “Roar Like a Lion” Day.
“It’s a revitalization of spirit,” according to First Vice District Governor Jeremy Bair of Westminster. “As someone in their 40s, I will never be in a fraternity again. Lions provide an opportunity to regenerate that sense of community and service that are part of fond memories of growing up through college. Before you know it, your interest in the Lions may have you inviting a neighbor, friend, child or grandchild in as a member.”
Lions care about the environment and are always willing to put the time in to help.
Ellen Bennett of the FSK Lions Club of Frederick (left) received the club’s first ever Lion Spirit Award at the club’s meeting on October 11. The award was presented by Lions district governor Nadja Munchow (center) as club president John Aulls looks on. Ms. Bennett (a retired nurse) received the award for her dedicated operation of the club’s used medical equipment lending program that has now loaned out hundreds of pieces of equipment free of charge to those in need over the last three years. If you have used medical equipment to donate or are in need of equipment such as wheel chairs, rollators, walkers, canes, or bedside commodes, please contact