Beginner’s Guide: Explore the Maryland portion of the AT in four easy day hikes

By Gary Bennett

The iconic white blaze of the Appalachian Trail

This article appears in the “72 Hours” insert of the Frederick News-Post, March 9, 2023.

I recently completed the Maryland portion of the venerable Appalachian Trail (AT, for short)—that ancient footpath that stretches nearly 2,200 miles from central Maine to northern Georgia, skipping over the tops of the oldest mountains in North America. When John Denver sings that “life is old there, older than the trees,” he is talking about this part of America. It is a happy coincidence that it passes right by us in central Maryland.

There is no better time to take this on yourself. It’s an unhappy coincidence that we’re all being asked to stay at home to help protect our fellow citizens from COVID-19. We are, however, allowed to go outside for walks as long as we stay six feet apart. For at least momentary mental health reasons we should all take advantage of that rule. It is true you shouldn’t drive long distances to hike on faraway trails in order to limit contact with people and surfaces such as those at gas stations and restaurants, but the AT is right in our back yard. You can access the trail safely and conscientiously without the need for gas stations or restaurants. And staying six feet apart on most parts of the AT is not a problem. You can trust me on that.

I’m not trying to minimize that many of us are essential and still working or that we have childcare responsibilities or sick relatives that need our full attention. And those who have recently been laid off understandably have other concerns and demands on their precious time. But if you can spare some time for yourself, you’ll only need four days of about five hours each to complete this amazing “walk on steroids” that will fill you with a sense of accomplishment.

Late last fall I set a goal for myself to hike the Maryland portion of the AT in the spring of 2020—a goal that must seem very humble to the hardcore hikers among us but one that is more than daunting for someone like me who has never been a hiker. Sure, I’ve taken a few long walks in the woods over the years and many, many walks around the Frederick cul-de-sacs with my middle-aged suburban brethren. And at least one time I walked home from work in downtown D.C. to my former home in Laurel, Maryland—a 15-mile asphalt jungle hike on Route 1. But I’ve never attempted something like this. Yet if I can do it, you can do it, too. 

And I did it!  Over the course of four day-hikes beginning in mid-March and finishing up in early April, I covered Maryland’s 42-mile section of the AT. Further below I will relate my day-by-day experience so you can make your own plans.

General Impressions

As I reflect back on this series of day-hikes, several things come to mind. First and foremost, I now know I can traverse the entire Appalachian Trail if I should ever care to set my mind to it and allocate the time and patience. There may be tougher parts of the trail but it is hard to see how that could not be conquered with simply a slower pace and more time.

The silence and solitude you experience on the AT is all consuming. The times when the silence is interrupted by the rat-a-tat-tat percussion of a woodpecker, the laughing of oncoming hikers, the humming of a chain saw way off in the distance or small trees creaking in the breeze are surprising and sometimes startling. A strong breeze sometimes sounds like a small freight train just above your head. Sounds of civilization far, far away somehow become comforting.  I particularly enjoyed the lonely moan of a train horn many miles away, the faint crackle of a power line in the distance, and the drone of a small plane on the horizon. 

Just some of the rocks you’ll have to consider carefully before putting your foot down.

There seem to be millions and millions of rocks and boulders of all shapes and sizes to consider on the trail. You will step on many of them and curse some of them. One has to wonder why God placed so many of these seemingly useless objects in our path, but He is God and He knows why and we needn’t trouble ourselves with that. The vertical white blaze marks that point the way are like long lost friends. When you don’t see one for a while you panic just a little even when you know you are not that far from civilization. The trail mostly looks like how you would expect a trail to look except when you are clambering up the side of a mountain over boulders. Then, even the rocks are marked with white blazes. I was worried about seeing snakes during my hikes over the rocks but you needn’t worry about them this time of year. They are safely sleeping off the winter and early spring blues. I saw nary a one. In fact, the only wildlife I saw beside birds singing overhead were two white-tailed deer happily loping along oblivious to me.

And all the trees. At this time of year the thousands of mostly barren trees stand like sentries guarding the trail and you. Many have fallen, some to their final resting place on the forest floor while others are held up by their still-standing compatriots. There are so many fallen trees that you wonder why you never witness one falling yourself. Perhaps it’s better you don’t. Perhaps the Good Lord Himself reserves these solemn funerals for Himself. The final decomposition of the fallen trees reminds you of the circle of life as they finally transform themselves into mulch and then the rich brown soil that is so necessary for the next generation of trees.

Despite my references to God, hiking the Appalachian Trail has not been a religious experience for me like so many others report. Perhaps that level of consciousness is reserved for the thru-hikers. I’m not sure. For me, hiking the AT in Maryland has been more like a very hard workout done during a very quiet mini-vacation with many unexpected rewards along the way.

The trail is beautiful in a “magnificent desolation” kind of way this time of year, breathtaking, exhausting and very possibly the closest you will ever get to seeing what you are made of and what you can do. Unlike professional and Olympic athletes, not many of us are called upon to exert ourselves to maximize speed, strength, endurance, agility or grace. Walking the Appalachian Trail in Maryland may be as close as everyday people like us can get to this level of athleticism. My mantra was simply put one foot in front of the other, even when tired. That philosophy served me well. If you can do that, before you know it you are done. It helps that at some point during your hike it makes no sense to turn back. It is better to just keep going.

You might be wondering, why do this in the first place?  Forty-two miles doesn’t sound so tough, right? You can easily do 42 miles around your own familiar neighborhood over several evening walks.  Or, you can even do 42 miles by making ten trips up and down Carroll Creek Park in downtown Frederick from start to finish. But if you’re like me, you get bored easily with the same old walk, walking in circles (large as they may be), or, heaven forbid, back-tracking. No, I, and many people like me, need an official starting point and ending point, preferably way off in the distance. That is why I have biked the 180-mile C&O Canal in sections from start to finish. Twice. And that is what the AT in Maryland provides—a trek that is neither too long to be doable in a reasonable amount of time nor too short to be easy. It is just right and provides an endless challenge and a top-notch workout to boot.

I’ll admit that completing the entire 2,200-mile AT is a romantic notion that I would love to achieve, but probably never will. Not because I couldn’t—now I think I could—but because I can never see me being an AT “thru-hiker,” as they are called. These are the determined, hardy souls who camp on the trail and get up every day and carry a 50- pound pack for another 15 miles. Day after day after day. I don’t think I could physically do that. Plus, in the best of circumstances it takes about six months out of your life. Nor can I see me driving off to remote locations for occasional day hikes that would allow me to check off sections of the trail a little at a time. That would be pretty easy physically, I think, but would be inefficient and quite expensive.

Better to limit myself to my home state, at least to start with. Maryland is a relatively skinny state only accounting for 42 miles of the 2,200-mile AT. Maryland’s 42-mile section begins at Penmar Park in northern Washington County, which straddles the Mason-Dixon Line near Cascade, Maryland and Rouzerville, Pennsylvania, then meanders across the top of South Mountain, roughly paralleling the Frederick and Washington County border before finishing up at the Potomac River at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.

I didn’t do too much planning for this 42-mile, multi-day hike, and you won’t need to either. My hiking wardrobe consisted of comfortable shorts, a t-shirt, sweatshirt, sunglasses, 2 pairs of white socks and hiking shoes bought a few months earlier at Trail House in downtown Frederick. I filled my small blue backpack with two bottles of water, one bottle of Gatorade, 2 granola bars, two pieces of fruit and some crackers and almonds. I threw in my phone, of course, a towel, my AT guidebook also purchased at Trail House, a Mofi to charge my phone if needed, and a few bandages and Neosporin just in case. Ellen, my nurse/wife, insisted on that. My wardrobe, supplies and snacks were consistent over my four day-hikes.

Day-Hike #1, March 14, 2020
Penmar Park to Route 17 (Wolfesville Road) – 9 Miles

The Maryland portion of the Appalachian Trail is located about in the middle.

My first planned hike was a modest nine miles from Penmar Park on the Maryland/Pennsylvania border to the trail crossing at Maryland Route 17 – Wolfesville Road. Ellen and I set out for Penmar Park on a cool and breezy Saturday morning. We took just one car since my wife wouldn’t be hiking. She would drop me off and pick me up later that day. If you and your spouse/friend/partner both want to hike, just take two cars if you can, placing one at the beginning of your hike and the other at the end. Truth is that the trail in Maryland is never very far from civilization and highway access points.

As I stepped out of the car at Penmar Park at 10:00 am, I was pleased to have as my first AT experience a beautiful vista overlook, panning east towards Thurmont, Maryland. “This is going to be great,” I remember saying out loud. Ellen kissed me goodbye and later admitted that she felt the same way she did when she packed off our oldest son to his first day of kindergarten. It’s sort of an irrational feeling that you’ll never see them again, she explained. Thank goodness there is a big sign featuring north and south directional arrows near the overlook or I would have needed my phone’s built-in compass right way. That would have been embarrassing. The sign says that Maine is 1,080 miles away to the north and Georgia 920 miles to the south. In Maryland you are about halfway along the trail. The mileage is impressive but I wasn’t intimidated. Maybe if I was a thru-hiker.    

As I strode deeper and deeper into the woods, I made sure to note the white vertical “blaze” marks on the trees that would show me the way. These crucial signposts are placed there by the various hiking clubs who voluntarily maintain the AT. They become your best friends. I started out on a gentle incline but it rapidly changed to a steep one of about 700 feet over the course of about three miles to High Rock, an old hang-gliding site on the northern part of South Mountain. The walk was not great anymore; it was hard. I was huffing and puffing as I ascended the AT to High Rock, but I wasn’t too worried. I knew from my guidebook that things would get better. I thought of this as a character builder or maybe the ultimate aerobic workout with a great prize at the end. I never considered turning back. The vista at High Rock is mesmerizing but the rock itself is marred by an overabundance of colorful graffiti. Still, you won’t want to leave. High Rock is accessible by road so it is a popular hangout for locals of all ages. On this Saturday, I saw only one family there enjoying the sights.

I didn’t dawdle there long. Mindful of making good time, I got on my way quickly. The trail soon began an equally steep descent of 500 feet over another two miles to Raven Rock Shelter. All shelters and campsites on the AT in Maryland are currently closed by order of Governor Hogan due to the COVID-19 outbreak. For better or worse, this has taken a lot of thru hikers off the AT this year.

Boards over quiet stream on Appalachian Trail near Smithsburg, MD. Thank you to the trail clubs for the work you do!

From Raven Rock Shelter I descended another 200 feet over two miles to Warner Gap Road. Along the way I had the pleasure of making two stream crossings, one by “rock hopping” and one via two boards situated over the creek by the local AT hiking club. I ate lunch by the quintessential babbling brook and couldn’t help but think I was in a Norman Rockwell painting. From there I ascended another 250 feet over the final three miles past Maryland Route 77 – Foxville Road and Ensign Cowall Shelter and on to Maryland Route 17 – Wolfesville Road for my scheduled pickup.  I forgot to call my wife about a mile out as I had planned so I made myself comfortable in the grass and waited. I almost fell asleep.

My tracker said I covered nine miles right on the nose, took 27,000 steps and climbed 134 flights. I finished up at about 4:00 pm. I hiked for roughly six hours and averaged just under two miles an hour. I feel exhausted but great.

Day-Hike #2, March 20, 2020
Route 17 (Wolfesville Road) to the I-70 Footbridge – 8.7 Miles

It was a drizzly, cool Friday when Ellen dropped me off at the Wolfesville Road AT crossing near Smithsburg, Maryland at about 11:00 am. I was happy to see only two other unoccupied cars in the lot. My plan for this day was to hike 8.7 miles to the AT’s I-70 footbridge. This may be the best-known Maryland AT crossing to non-hikers. It is hard to miss the Appalachian Trail sign on the bridge as you drive under it on I-70 or the many cars parked at the access point on Route 40. The footbridge area is also one of the most popular access points to the AT in Maryland so you can expect some small crowds at times. But they quickly thin out on the trail.

I set off on a slightly downhill path and then crossed back over Route 17 and immediately started a grueling uphill climb back and forth over large boulders until I reached the top of South Mountain. This is a 400-foot hand-over-hand ascent in just over half a mile. It is seriously strenuous but I couldn’t help feeling proud of myself as I reached the top still able to breathe just about normally. The rest of the hike took a slightly downhill tack. I was thankful for that. Soon I settled into a nice loping gait that seemed much faster than two miles an hour. At six foot two, I am blessed with long legs and a long stride. Even so, almost every step is one that has to be considered carefully. I had no idea these mountains are so rocky. Nearly every step forces you to decide which rock to step on or avoid because of its sharpness.

The two best landmarks on this section of the AT in Maryland are Black Rock Cliffs and Annapolis Rocks. It took about 5 miles to get to Black Rock Cliffs and I was rewarded with a breathtaking vista looking west towards Hagerstown. In another mile or so with a slight incline, you arrive at Annapolis Rocks, which is at the end of a secondary trail that takes you just two-tenths of a mile out of your way. It is well signed and very much worth the side trip. Don’t pass it up. Still looking west towards Hagerstown, the vista is higher and even more breathtaking than Black Rock Cliffs. The downside is that Annapolis Rocks can be crowded. On this day there were about 30 people spaced among the rocks. The Rocks are only 2.2 miles from the I-70 footbridge which explains the popularity. It is a moderately easy hike from there. I later realize that Annapolis Rocks is that clump of rocks you see plastered on the side of South Mountain as you approach Frederick from the west. It stands like a beacon welcoming all to Frederick County. 

Looking westward from Annapolis Rocks on South Mountain toward Hagerstown, MD.

From Annapolis Rocks I descended about 600 feet over the course of two and a half miles to the I-70 footbridge. I have learned that steep descents, while looking good on paper, bring their own challenges. I found myself trying to hold back so as to not fly down the mountain and cause myself to trip. This puts some added pressure on your knees. Ellen is there to pick me up at about 3:30 pm. 

My tracker said that I walked 8.7 miles, took just under 22,000 steps, and climbed 68 flights. I did all this in about 4.5 hours so I averaged almost 2 miles per hour.  I’m two for two so far!

Day-Hike #3, March 26, 2020
I-70 Footbridge to Gathland State Park – 14.5 Miles

Ellen dropped me off at the I-70 footbridge and now has more confidence in me. I have more confidence in myself, too. On this day, I planned my longest and most ambitious hike yet – 14.5 miles to Gathland State Park near Burkittsville, Maryland. I didn’t really want to hike this far but the best two pick up points on this part of the AT are at Gathland, 14.5 miles away, and Reno Monument Road, only seven miles away. “Seven miles is nothing to me now,” I boasted, so I picked the former and allotted 7 hours for the hike. 

We headed out at 10 am. It was a sunny Thursday morning with highs forecasted in the 70’s. I double checked to make sure I had my sweating towel. It is a long hike and one that promised to be quite challenging. The pros would call it highly technical and moderately difficult. I started out at 1,200 feet, went down to 900 feet, went back up to 1,600 feet, before finishing up at 950 feet at Gathland State Park. 

My first stop came at the three-mile mark at the Washington Monument. No, not that Washington Monument but the one that was built first in the U.S. (1827) by villagers of Boonsboro, Maryland, to honor the first president. The 30-foot stone structure commands the southwestern edge of South Mountain, can be seen for miles, and looks out over Boonsboro, Maryland. It quickly appears as you come up a small hill and literally takes your breath away. 

George Washington Monument on South Mountain near Boonsboro, MD.

Next, I traveled over fairly flat terrain to Turner’s Gap on Alternate Route 40. You may know Turner’s Gap better as the place where the South Mountain Inn currently stands promising “Food and Drink For All.”  Here, I appropriately stopped for lunch at a deserted employee picnic table at about 12:30. At about the halfway point, 7 miles in, I came upon Reno Monument Road and the monument built to honor a scene of heavy Civil War fighting in 1862 and the winning general from the North, Jesse Reno, who was mortally wounded at the end of the battle. This was the low point of today’s hike at 910 feet. 

From there I had a gradual but arduous 700-foot ascent to Lamb’s Knoll and White Rock Cliffs. The Cliffs is the only overlook to this point on the trail that looks eastward towards Frederick and features mile after mile of pristine Frederick County farmland in the beautiful Middletown Valley. From there it was a gradual 700-foot descent over three miles to this day’s terminus at Maryland Route 572 — Gapland Road at Gathland State Park just south of Burkittsville. As I passed through these woods made famous by the movie The Blair Witch Project I was happy to see no strange wooden mini-structures designed by otherworldly beings. 

I called Ellen the requisite 30 minutes ahead of time to pick me up at the appointed parking lot. She beat me by about 10 minutes as I undertook a steep and arduous descent down the mountain. I could see the parking lot below teasing me for what seemed to be hours as I eased down the hill. I was traveling extremely slowly on this section, slower than I had traveled when I was going up the mountain. It was that steep.  

As I finally collapsed into the waiting car at 5 pm, my tracker said I traveled 14.5 miles, took 33,000 steps, and climbed 106 flights over seven hours. I am improving; I averaged just over two miles an hour.  After a hot bath and great dinner, I slept like a baby.

Fourth and Final Day-Hike, April 2, 2020
Gathland State Park to Potomac River at Harpers Ferry – 10 Miles

It was a sunny but blustery Thursday with highs in the 60’s as I began this final leg of the Maryland section of the Appalachian Trail. I anticipated my easiest leg since I was starting out at 1,150 feet and descending steadily to 250 feet over 10 miles to the Potomac River at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. I scrambled out of the car quickly at 11:15 am since I was not entirely sure we should have driven the 15 miles from Frederick to Gathland State Park to begin today’s hike. The previous day Governor Hogan issued a stay-at-home order due to the coronavirus outbreak but since outside exercise is allowed, I reasoned this must be okay. But still, I wasn’t interested in explaining my thinking to any law enforcement officials who might be close by.

Ed Garvey Shelter on South Mountain in Maryland.

First, I traveled about three and a half mostly level but rocky miles to Ed Garvey Shelter, which is officially closed due to the governor’s order. I found a rickety picnic table to have my lunch. The shelter looks east out over the beautiful, fertile farmland of southern Frederick County. One other hiker was lounging there. We acknowledged each other but stayed far apart. Next, I completed a gentle descent of about 200 feet over another two miles to Weverton Cliffs. The view of the Potomac River from this vantage point is breathtaking. Again, only one other hiker joined me at this beautiful landmark. After mentally recharging here for about 15 minutes, I began the arduous trek down the mountainside toward Weverton Road and then on to the Potomac River. This nearly 400-foot descent takes place over just one mile and featured a zig-zagging, back and forth trail that necessarily prevents hikers from falling down the mountain. I am glad I was going down and not up.

I met a family with small children heading up the trail toward Weverton Cliffs but warned them off. That particular section is just too tough for small children. The dad was thankful. If you want what I believe to be the most arduous workout the AT in Maryland has to offer, I highly recommend the one-mile hike going north from Weverton Road to Weverton Cliffs.  From Weverton Road it is an easy hike under U.S. 340, onto Keep Tryst Road and then as an extra bonus, you hike west for two miles on the C&O canal to reach the Goodloe E. Byron Memorial Footbridge over the Potomac River and into Harpers Ferry, West Virginia.

Unfortunately, you cannot actually use the footbridge at this time. It is closed indefinitely due to damage from a train derailment late last year. The Appalachian Trail Conservancy recommends calling a taxi to transport you into West Virginia. Happily, I had no such need as I reached my goal of hiking all 42 miles of the AT in Maryland over the course of four day-hikes. Ellen picked me up at about 5:00 on nearby Sandy Hook Road, which parallels the Potomac River and C&O Canal on the Maryland side of the river. 

Over about six hours, I hiked exactly 10 miles, took 27,921 steps and climbed 66 flights.

Weverton Cliffs overlooking Potomac River in Maryland near Harpers Ferry, WV.

We are fortunate to have this national treasure so close by. So, give the Maryland portion of the Appalachian Trail a try, especially now when so many of us have time on our hands. It’s not that awfully far and it is very safe. I hiked it alone but can see that it would be a good idea to take a partner with you if you can. But if not, don’t let that stop you. I came upon many hikers that would have helped me had I been in distress. That is the code of the trail I am told  

What’s next for me?  I would love to complete the West Virginia and Northern Virginia portions this year, beginning as soon as the travel ban between states is lifted. It is only another 54 miles. Only. I still can’t believe I can say that now, but my confidence is at an all-time high.   

Classic Loves Songs for Your Valentine’s Day Enjoyment

By Gary Bennett

The Righteous Brothers — Bill Medley and the late Bobby Hatfield

This article appears in the February 8, 2024, issue of Frederick News-Post’s “72 Hours” entertainment insert.

Valentine’s Day is here! It’s time to plug in that perfect playlist for the evening’s activities. No, no, not necessarily those activities.

But, it is nice to have the right background music when presenting your loved one with flowers, those delicious red and pink M&Ms artfully placed in a pretty candy bowl, and that little heart necklace you picked up at Kay Jewelers.

Recording artists of the ‘60s, ‘70s and ’80 provided the soundtrack of my youth so I always look to them to help with completing my playlists. Whether it’s love songs, Christmas songs or rainy-day songs, I can always count on the sensitive singer-songwriters and soft rocks bands of these earlier, gentler times to provide the ambiance I need.

So, here are my top ten classic love songs guaranteed to set the Valentine Day’s mood. Did I miss any of your favorites?

You still have time to surreptitiously create your own playlist and magically call it up on your smart speaker on Valentine’s Day. If you do, you will own the day and your loved one will never look at you the same way again. (I mean that in a good way.)

10. Glen Campbell: “Grow Old with Me”
John Lennon wrote it but never got a chance to record it. Glen’s beautiful voice does justice to this simple, heartfelt tune. “Grow old along with me, whatever fate decrees, we will see it through, for our love is true.”

9. Dan Fogelberg: “Longer”
A frequent wedding song that sweetly proclaims that love will last forever. “Longer than there’ve been stars up in the heavens, I’ve been in love with you.”

8. Al Green: “Let’s Stay Together”
This soulful balladeer promises he’ll do whatever it takes to keep his baby. “Let me say that since, baby, since we’ve been together, ooh, loving you forever, is what I need, let me, be the one you come running to, I’ll never be untrue.”

7. Willie Nelson: “Always on My Mind”
The grizzled, veteran singer struck gold with this sorrowful, love mea culpa. “Little things I should have said and done, I just never took the time, but you were always on my mind, you were always on my mind.”

6. Gordon Lightfoot: “Beautiful”
The spare arrangement and simple words offer the profound emotion of love realized. “And when you hold me tight, how could life be anything but beautiful, I think that I was made for you, and you were made for me.”

5. Beatles: “Something”
This timeless classic written by quiet Beatle George Harrison tells about the little things that makes love so special. “Somewhere in her smile she knows, that I don’t need no other lover, something in her style that shows me.”

4. Etta James: “At Last”
This quintessential wedding song from the ‘40s proclaims love has finally arrived. It was made famous by Etta in 1961. “At last, my love has come along, my lonely days are over, and life is like a song”

3. Kenny Rogers: “Through the Years”
The perfect song for a grateful man in a long-term relationship who can’t believe it has been so good. “Through the years, you’ve never let me down, you’ve turned my life around, the sweetest days I’ve found, I’ve found with you.”

2. Foreigner: “I Want to Know What Love Is”
A haunting melody that shows how to look for love after it’s been lost. “I wanna know what love is, I want you to show me, I wanna feel what love is, I know you can show me.”

1. The Righteous Brothers: “Unchained Melody”
This strangely titled but deeply emotional song perfectly captures the intense longing for an unwavering love. You’ll be amazed at their range in octaves. “Woah, my love, my darling, I’ve hungered for your touch, Are you still mine?”

Honorable mentions: The Association’s “Cherish,” Bee Gee’s “Run to Me,” Chicago’s “Just You ‘n’ Me,” Climax’s “Precious and Few,” Climax Blues Band’s “I Love You,” Jim Croce’s “I’ll Have to Say I Love You in a Song,” Eagles’ “Best of My Love,” John Lennon’s “Woman,” Barry Manilow’s “Somewhere in the Night,” Paul McCartney’s “No More Lonely Nights,” Orleans’ “Love Takes Time” and Turtles’ “Happy Together.”

10 rockin’ hits for your Christmas playlist

John Lennon penned one of the best original Christmas songs of the last 50 years – Happy Xmas (War is Over)

By Gary Bennett

This article appeared in the December 20, 2022, issue of 72 Hours in the Frederick News Post

Not everyone loves Christmas songs, but you can put me in a special category. I love Christmas songs from classic rockers.

It couldn’t have been easy for them. I’m sure some producer or agent along the way told them they needed to do a Christmas album or at least record a few Christmas songs. It would have been easy to record a few of the old standards, and many of them did just that.  But, to write and record an original track and have it turn into a standard, well, that is saying something.

Here are my top 10 original Christmas songs from classic rockers, or at least covers that have become indelibly associated with the artist. Build this playlist into your smart speaker and, if you’re about my age, you’ll be instantly transported back to your teen years when Christmas was carefree.

How’d I do?  Did I miss any of your favorites?

10. Jim Croce – It Doesn’t Have to Be That Way
What can I say, I’m a big fan and this is my list. But wait. Give it a chance. Listen to the unmistakably smooth voice and heartfelt sentiment.
9.  Paul McCartney – Wonderful Christmas Time
This one’s a bit syrupy, but come on, it’s Paul McCartney! He can do what he wants.
8.  Paul Young – What Christmas Means to Me
Paul is an obscure ’70s/’80s top 40 artist who somehow struck gold with this one.
7.  Kenny Loggins – Celebrate Me Home
This obscure song is hauntingly beautiful. Just listen.
6.  Carpenters – Merry Christmas, Darling
Ok, they’re not rockers but the angelic voice of Karen Carpenter offers up a true standard of aching loneliness and missing your loved one at Christmas.
5.  Bryan Adams – Christmas Time
I love this Canadian rocker’s voice and sentiment. Super nostalgic. Always takes me back.
4.  Beach Boys – Little Saint Nick
They make it seem so easy. These Hall of Famers offer their 60’s hit Little Deuce Coup with snow a-flying instead of rubber!
3.  Stevie Wonder – Some Day at Christmas
A pointed, political statement from someone who really cares.
2.  Eagles – Please Come Home for Christmas
It wouldn’t be Christmas without this bluesy and melancholy cover.
1.  John Lennon and Yoko Ono– Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
A political statement mixed with an unforgettable melody and simple words. A true masterpiece from an all-time great.

Honorable mention:  Alabama’s Christmas in Dixie, John Denver’s Noel: Christmas Eve 1913, Dan Fogelberg’s Same Old Lang Syne, Bruce Springsteen’s Santa Claus Is Coming to Town and Elton John’s Step Into Christmas

Getaways: Western Maryland is close but a world away

By Gary Bennett

I-68 cuts through Sideling Hill near Hancock, MD exposing 800 feet of rock going back millions of years.

This article appears in the “72 Hours” insert of The Fredrick News Post on December 8, 2022.

As you wind your way up stately Sideling Hill and through the iconic man-made cut in the mountain that jaggedly exposes millions of years of rock, coal and sediment, you’re finally able to see the picturesque valley of Allegany County as you begin your descent over the crest

This is the entrance to what the tourism folks now call “Mountain Maryland.” But for me, this place will always be home.

My wife and I spent our formative years in Allegany County. I grew up in the southwestern part of the county near Keyser, West Virginia. I went to high school in Westernport at now defunct Bruce High, and completed my undergraduate work at Frostburg State University. Ellen grew up just north of Cumberland and went to school at Fort Hill High, that notable state football powerhouse. As most of us know, this part of the state has fallen on perpetual, shall we say, less-than-stellar times. We wouldn’t want to live there anymore, but as they say, it’s a great place to visit.  

My wife and I occasionally travel back home to eat, visit, sight see, and just plain decompress. In some ways it’s like a trip back in time. The pace of daily life is decidedly slow, traffic is nearly nonexistent, the scenery is absolutely beautiful, and the cost of food and lodging is much less than in the Frederick area. There may be no better way to spend a day outside of Frederick than to take a trip to Allegany County – and perhaps farther to Garrett County, Maryland’s westernmost county.

Getting There

As you head west on I-70 to Hancock where you pick up I-68, Sideling Hill should be your first stop. Get out of your car, stretch your legs and climb the stairs halfway up the mountain in just minutes to take in the breathtaking view.

At roughly 2,300 feet, Sideling Hill allows glorious views of West Virginia to the south and Pennsylvania to the north. On a map, this stretch of Maryland is so narrow it seems you could easily pinch it off and hand it over to West Virginia. It’s no secret that most folks in these parts wouldn’t mind that a bit. The real draw, however, is the dramatic cut in the mountain that exposes over 800 feet of rock and coal, dating back millions of years. If you go in winter, you’ll marvel at the largest icicles you’ve ever seen.

Back in the car, you descend past Green Ridge State Forest, the picturesque town of Flintstone, and Rocky Gap State Park, where camping, swimming, boating, and gambling share equal billing.

I spent much of my youth sunning and swimming here in Lake Habeeb. Today, the Rocky Gap Casino Resort has taken over much of the land once used for outdoor recreation, but plenty is still available. If casinos are your thing, this one should be your go-to. It’s a bit farther from Frederick than Hollywood Casino in Charles Town, West Virginia or Horseshoe in Baltimore, but the state invested heavily to bring this cash cow to Western Maryland to help nudge the chronically underperforming economy along.  


Your next stop is historic Cumberland, the county seat and hub of Allegany County’s economic, tourist and government activity. I-68 actually passes over Cumberland, so you have to be careful to find an exit and stick with it or you’ll pass it by completely. You’ll know you’re there by the beautiful church steeples that adorn the skyline.

Cumberland has seen better economic times but is still charming.

Before you depart the interstate for downtown Cumberland, you’ll want to grab some lunch. We wholeheartedly recommend Puccini’s Restaurant, just east of Cumberland on Ali Ghan Road and right along the interstate. It features casual Italian dining set in the historic setting of the former Hinkle House, which served as a Civil War hospital during the Battle of Folck’s Mill. Try the wedge salad and wood-fired pizza. Their delicious pizza is unlike anything we’ve found in the Frederick area. The house-made dough is thin, crispy and perfectly blackened at the edges. The potassium-rich wood ash adds flavor.  Lunch for two will set you back only about $20 or $25.

If pizza is not your thing for lunch, try one of these two local landmarks – D’Atris or Coney Island Famous Wieners. D’Atris has the best steak sandwich I’ve ever eaten – and that includes in Philadelphia (it’s all in the dressing the lettuce is soaked in, I’m told.) The Coney Island wieners actually melt in your mouth, and you’ll have a hard time having just one or two.

Queen City is a pleasantly walkable. You can take a leisurely stroll on the C&O Canal towpath, which terminates near the intersection of the Potomac River and Wills Creek near George Washington’s Headquarters. The towpath in the city is not very shady, and you’ll have to watch out for bicyclists whizzing by, unless you decide to bike it yourself. If you do, take advantage of several bike rental shops within easy walking distance of the towpath and Canal Place – the modest eating and shopping area right at the canal terminus.

A replica of an old canal boat adorns the C&O Canal terminus in Cumberland.

If you have more time, you can hop aboard the Western Maryland Scenic Railroad for a leisurely four and a half-hour round trip to Frostburg and back, or you can get off in Frostburg and bike back to Cumberland via the Maryland portion of the Great Allegany Passage, the 150-mile bike and walking trail from Cumberland to Pittsburgh. If you do, you’ll enjoy a gentle 10-mile downhill decline on a crushed limestone surface, snaking through the “Narrows” and into Cumberland where you’ll connect with the C&O Canal towpath.

Besides the rich history and outdoor recreational opportunities, the best reason to visit Cumberland might be its architecture. My wife and I like nothing better than to stroll along Baltimore Street, the now-struggling downtown area of Cumberland, trying to recall the names of the local shopping institutions that once made these enormous and ornate storefronts their home. We can usually come up with Rosenbaums, Peskins, Lazarus and a few more.

Today, you can enjoy antiquing, art galleries and a few charming pubs and eateries. We then walk up to Washington Street, the “old money” residential area of Cumberland, taking note of the remarkable late 19th- and early 20th-century architecture. Most of the homes on Washington Street are very large, seemingly far too large for just one family.

Baltimore Street in Cumberland provides a striking example of 19th-century architecture.


Known as the Mountain City, Frostburg is just 10 miles west of Cumberland – be sure to travel there on the National Road (Route 40) through the Narrows – but a world away in many respects, particularly weather-wise. Because of its elevation near the peak of Big Savage Mountain, it’s not unusual for Frostburg to be consistently 10 degrees cooler and wetter than Cumberland year-round. During my college days, it was typical for the ice and snow to pile up so much that sidewalks were not seen for months at a time.

Frostburg is a university town with an energy and vibrancy unlike anywhere else in the county. Because of Frostburg State University, the arts, entertainment, and eateries abound on Main Street in a way that Cumberland cannot duplicate.

If you have time we recommend a classic film matinee at the historic Palace Theater, a drink and a snack at one of the many brewpubs on Main Street or a walk across the FSU campus (preferably when there are no classes) to visit the state-of-the-art library, football field, “Old Main” building, the performing arts center, Lane Center student union or environmental center.

Frostburg State Universiy is a desirably snowy destination for high school students all along the northeast coast.

Frostburg is also notable for the annual Appalachian Festival, which features local artisans and is one of the leading showcases for Appalachian culture in the U.S. The Western Maryland Scenic Railroad, which turns around in Frostburg on an old-style turntable for the return trip to Cumberland, and the Thrasher Carriage House Museum, located next to the scenic railroad depot featuring late 19th- and early 20th-century carriages of all types, are two additional popular draws.  

Garrett County

After a few hours in Frostburg, head due west over Big Savage Mountain and into the charming hamlet of Grantsville in Garrett County, and have dinner at Penn Alps Restaurant & Craft Shop. This cozy, 1700s-style restaurant features Amish and German cooking at its best. If you go Friday through Sunday, have the hot food buffet that is lovingly tended and jam-packed with perfectly seasoned soups, meats and vegetables. Top it off with a sampling from the homemade desert bar with old-time favorites such as bread pudding, oatmeal cake, apple pie and blueberry and cherry cobbler. Take the time to meander around the craft shop situated in the same building as the restaurant, and then take a stroll along the Spruce Forest Artisan Village next door. Unfortunately, the giant blue spruces are gone, felled by a small tornado a few years ago, but the weavers, potters, woodworkers and other artisans remain, diligently working in their cabins for all to watch and ask questions.

Penn Alps restaurant in Grantsville provides delicious German and Amish home-cooking in an historic setting.

Finish your day with a drive past lovely Deep Creek Lake. Maryland’s largest lake is an outdoors paradise featuring boating, fishing, camping and skiing. It is about 20 miles west of Grantsville.

If you have more time in Garrett County, we recommend two modest hikes to work off the amazing dinner you had at Penn Alps.

The first is to find the source of the Potomac River. Spoiler alert: it’s not much of a hike at all and the source is not even in Maryland! It’s in a small state park in West Virginia near the junction of Grant, Tucker and Preston counties. It boggles my mind to compare this little trickle, bubbling up from the ground, to its imposing grandeur at the Chesapeake Bay some 400 miles away.  So much of Maryland’s geography and identity is tied to this famous river that you’ll be glad you completed this hike.

The other is a more difficult hike to the highest point in Maryland, the area known as Hoye-Crest on Backbone Mountain. The peak is nestled against the Maryland-West Virginia border near Red House, Maryland. Hoye Crest is more than 3,300 feet high and is about a 1-mile hike on steep, rocky terrain.

The trail to the highest point in Maryland on Backbone Mountain is steep, rocky and 3,360 feet high.

Going Home

Out of breath and tired from your busy but delightful day, you get back in your car and continue driving past Oakland, the attractive county seat of Garrett County, and make the long, downward trek back to Allegany County via Route 135 into Westernport and McCoole.  At McCoole, the site of my long-gone elementary school, you pick up Route 220 for the 30-minute drive back to Cumberland.  Once there, you can decide whether to stay in a hotel (we recommend the Fairfield Inn near the C&O Canal terminus) or pick up I-68 and then I-70 near Hancock for the 90-minute drive east to Frederick.

Advocates For Homeless Families

Wishes You Happy Holidays!

Advocates for Homeless Families is a unique and invaluable community resource for Frederick County’s struggling families with children. The support we provide to homeless families offers transitional housing and a year-long program of guidance that helps adults improve their standards of living and achieve permanent stable housing.

These are true gifts to be celebrated this holiday season.

Advocates’ families succeed in breaking the cycle of poverty and homelessness through gainful employment, increased education, and the caring support of case managers who keep them accountable. Since 1988, more than 2,500 homeless adults and children have become self-sustaining, contributing members of the Frederick community. They are our nurses, computer technicians, chefs, social service workers, members of the hospitality industry, and members of other professions, trades, and businesses.

Your gift to Advocates for Homeless Families helps us fulfill the promise of each family we serve. This year, we have provided housing and access to housing for 96 homeless adults and 99 children. We could not do this without your partnership.

Thank you for including Advocates for Homeless Families on your holiday giving list.



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Advocates for Homeless Families
216 Abrecht Place, Frederick, MD 21701 301-662-2003


Lions Clubs Have Provided Community Care for More than 100 Years

By Gary Bennett and J. Lynn Stimmel

Lions strive to prevent avoidable blindness and help low-sight children by holding eye screenings at schools all over the world.

This article appeared in the October 25, 2022 issue of the Frederick News Post

If you’re newly retired, thinking about retiring, or you’ve been retired for quite some time, you might find yourself wanting to get more involved in your community.

A local Lions club is a great place to start.

You certainly don’t have to be retired to request membership in a local club, but it does help. According to Lions statistics, more than half of all members in the district that serves Frederick County are 65 or older. Another one-third are in the second half of their working lives, ages 45 to 65.

For retired folks, membership and community service through Lions clubs can give lives new meaning after your working days are over.

Lions often talk about the aha moment when true community care becomes clear to them.

For Susan Favorite of the Thurmont Lions Club, that moment came a number of years ago.

“We had conducted a pre-school vision screening on several children in the community. We had a child that came up with ‘refer’ as the recommendation, meaning the child should see an ophthalmologist,” Favorite recalls. “In the end, that the young child needed glasses. The story of how that child looked at its mother after putting those glasses on and saying “Mommy, I can see you now” makes me tear up to this day.”

Other Lions are young professionals and even students in middle school, high school and college who form what are called Leo clubs. Lions welcome anyone, even if they have limited time to help.

Lions are arguably the world’s most active service club. They get involved in just about every human need imaginable. As its literature puts it: “Where there’s a need, there’s a Lion.”

Indeed, each Lions club has its own service focus, but there are five global causes of particular interest that Lions seek to address:

• Reduce the prevalence of diabetes and improve quality of life for those diagnosed

• Prevent avoidable blindness and improve quality of life for people who are blind and visually impaired

• Ensure all community members have access to nutritious foods

• Protect and restore our environment to improve the well-being of all communities

• Support the needs of children and families affected by childhood cancer.

Lions, no matter the hardship, are happy to work with at-risk youth in after school programs.

There are over 48,000 Lions clubs and 1.4 million members worldwide. They are located in every continent and in more than 200 countries. In the U.S., Lions clubs are in every state and just about every town of every size.

The umbrella organization, Lions Club International, is large, but individual Lions clubs are relatively small. Local Lions clubs enjoy national and international support but have wide latitude in how they operate, what they do and how they serve their communities. Most Lions clubs in Frederick County have between 20 and 50 members.

It’s also worth noting how Lions clubs have also stood the test of time. They’ve been around for more than 100 years, formed in 1917 by a Chicago business leader, Melvin Jones, who wondered what would happen if people put their talents to work improving their communities.

Lions from Maryland have been here almost from the start, too.

This past August, Lions from Maryland, Delaware and the District of Columbia met in Hunt Valley to celebrate 100 years as a multiple district.

The Lions club of Frederick also just celebrated its centennial anniversary.

Frederick County is part of Lions district 22W, which includes Maryland’s five westernmost counties. Several of these Lions clubs currently serve Frederick County. Three serve Frederick city — Frederick, Frederick Fusion and Francis Scott Key clubs. Most other Frederick municipalities and towns have their own clubs, too — Brunswick, Emmitsburg, Libertytown, Middletown, Mount Airy, Myersville, New Market, Thurmont and Walkersville-Woodsboro.

In Frederick County, Lions give countless hours of their time and energy to live up to their very simple motto of “We serve.” Lions reported that last year alone, this multiple district served more than 700,000 people with more than 6,000 service projects and nearly 150,000 volunteer hours.

Lions work on the front lines in the fight against hunger.

The following list of service projects only scratches the surface of what Lions do for the Frederick area:

• Provide recycled, used eyeglasses to those in need

• Provide used medical equipment to those in need

• Provide free vision screenings (and will soon introduce their first Mobile Screening Unit van that will travel to where they are needed most)

• Help to eliminate preventable blindness through Lions Vision Research Rehabilitation Center in conjunction with Wilmer Eye Institute

• Provide financial assistance to the Lions Vision Research Foundation (LVRF) that provides assistance and support of the Lions Vision Center at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore

• Provide used hearing aids and batteries to those in need

• Provide support to veterans, those with diabetes and those with pediatric cancer

• Improve the environment by planting trees and cleaning up parks and roads

• Support and help fund training of Leader Dogs for the Blind

• Support Lions Camp Merrick, a camp for children with Type 1 diabetes located in Charles County

• Hold community drives for food, blood, shoes and warm clothes

• Support “Sleep in Heavenly Peace” project that supplies beds to children who need them

• Provide scholarships for graduating seniors

• Assist schools and Little League teams with supplies and funding

• Bring the community together in service with such events as “Roar Like a Lion” Day.

“It’s a revitalization of spirit,” according to First Vice District Governor Jeremy Bair of Westminster. “As someone in their 40s, I will never be in a fraternity again. Lions provide an opportunity to regenerate that sense of community and service that are part of fond memories of growing up through college. Before you know it, your interest in the Lions may have you inviting a neighbor, friend, child or grandchild in as a member.”

Lions care about the environment and are always willing to put the time in to help.

Ellen Bennett Wins First Lions Spirit Award

By Gary Bennett

From left: Ellen Bennett, District Governor Nadja Munchow and FSK Lions President John Aulls

This article appears in the October 29, 2022 issue of the Frederick News Post

Ellen Bennett of the FSK Lions Club of Frederick (left) received the club’s first ever Lion Spirit Award at the club’s meeting on October 11. The award was presented by Lions district governor Nadja Munchow (center) as club president John Aulls looks on. Ms. Bennett (a retired nurse) received the award for her dedicated operation of the club’s used medical equipment lending program that has now loaned out hundreds of pieces of equipment free of charge to those in need over the last three years. If you have used medical equipment to donate or are in need of equipment such as wheel chairs, rollators, walkers, canes, or bedside commodes, please contact

Canines on Creek Raises Money for Leader Dogs for the Blind

By Gary Bennett

Daniel and Kayla Bennett and Jasper enjoy a fun event!

Several hundred people took to Carroll Creek on a beautiful Saturday afternoon, October 22, to enjoy FSK Lions Club’s third annual Canines on the Creek. This celebration of Fredrick’s dog-loving past and present featured a parade and Halloween costume contest for dogs and owners, exhibits from dog-friendly businesses, prizes, giveaways and demonstrations. The event was held in conjunction with the Downtown Frederick Partnership in support of the nonprofit group Leader Dogs for the Blind (

Nearly $2,500 was raised for Leader Dogs, an organization the Lions founded and are intimately involved. Leader Dogs for the Blind provides guide dog training, matching services and client orientation and mobility training leading to a life of independence and confidence for blind and low-sight individuals. Training and providing Leader Dogs for the blind community is very expensive but very much needed. Lions have always been especially supportive of this group.

“The parade and costume contest are a lot of fun,” according to FSK Lions event chair Gary Bennett. “The last two years the event has featured a St. Patrick’s Day theme and 4th of July these, respectively. We decided to move our event to Halloween this year because it’s pretty easy to come up with a Halloween costume and to take advantage of Frederick’s usually spectacular weather in October. We plan to do this next Halloween, too.”

“Lion” Gary Bennett leads the parade.

Monetary and pet food donations were also collected to support the Humane Society of Frederick County. Other businesses that exhibited at the event or provided financial support included: BYD Pet Services, Camp Bow Wow, Catoctin Mountain Bark Busters, Doggy Donuts, Dogtopia, Dublin Roasters, Frederick Friends of Our County Animal Shelter, Green K9, Green Valley Animal Hospital, MD Insurance Administration, Megan Purtell Photography, Mid-Atlantic German Shepherd Rescue, Oliver’s Hometown Bakery and Pet Smart.

Judging categories for the costume contest were best owner and dog look-alikes, best small breed costume, and best large breed costumes. Lion leaders Jeremy Bair. Jim Corely and John Aulls served as judges. Lions District Governor Nadja Munchow addressed the crowd, extolling the virtues on Lionism. Lois Barb, a local Leader Dog trainer, described the rigors of training the dogs. Sponsors and exhibitors provided over $3,000 worth of prizes.

“We were also happy to have Go Team Therapy Dogs in attendance and available for hugging and cuddling,” according to Bennett. “All in all, it was a great day to be a dog. The Lions were very happy to bring the community together for such a good cause on this beautiful day.”

Visit to see the many photos that were taken at the event.

Lions Club International is the world’s largest service club organization with over 1.4 million members in approximately 48,000 clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas around the world. Since 1917, Lions Clubs have assisted the blind and visually impaired and made a strong commitment to community service and serving youth. Lions Clubs are comprised of individuals who identify needs within the community and work together to fulfill those needs.

If you are community-minded, consider joining FSK Lions Club or any local Lions Club. FSK Lions Club meets second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm at Frederick Elks Lodge on Willowdale Road in Frederick. For reservations, contact membership chair Sue Everhart at 301-514-6030. You can also visit or send an email to membership@fsklions.

Top Ten Playgrounds in Frederick

By Gary Bennett

Logan Bennett enjoying the dinosaur rock climbing feature at Baker Park 2.

This article appears in the August 3, 2022, issue of the Frederick News Post

If you’re a kid, parent or a doting grandparent, there’s nothing as satisfying or efficient as a good public playground. Laid out before you are free, shiny attractions—climbing equipment, swings, merry-go-rounds, monkey bars, see-saws and the ever-present sliding boards. Who could ask for more? 

Indeed, Frederick is blessed to have more than its share of public parks, playgrounds and open spaces to call our own.

According to Bob Smith, Frederick’s deputy director of Parks and Recreation, Frederick city has 75 public parks, totaling 807 acres. With an average size of 10.7 acres, this equates to approximately 11 acres of parkland for every 1,000 residents, exceeding the National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA) guidelines of 9.9 acres per 1,000 residents.

Said another way, Frederick city has roughly one park for every 1,000 residents. According to the 2020 NRPA Agency Performance Review, the target ratio for a city the size of Frederick is one park for every 2,500 residents.

We are doing quite well.

The future looks bright, too. Frederick city’s projected 2045 population of about 93,000 residents (currently 72,000) requires at least 921 acres of parkland to comfortably serve us. According to Smith, it is anticipated that the city will add as much as 300 additional acres of parkland in the next 5 to 10 years, putting it well over 1,000 acres of parkland 10 years ahead of schedule.

Because I frequently take my grandkids to local parks, I got to wondering about these 75 city parks. I’d only been to a few, and I’d venture to guess the same is true for you.

Many of these parks feature ball fields, basketball courts, picnic pavilions, hiking trails, or are simply open green spaces. That is all great if that’s what you’re looking for, but I was more interested in the 38 parks that feature playgrounds and play structures. After all, that’s what the kids really love.

So, in June and July, I set out – usually with my grandkids – to visit and rate all 38.

A word about my methodology: I visited each park in the morning or evening before sunset so I could observe them in action, always carefully explaining to parents what I was doing. In the summer, parents with younger kids tend to visit in the morning. In the evenings before sundown, the older kids come out, usually unattended.

I rated each playground on the following criteria: fun, safety, variety, upkeep, and shade. Each criterion was held to be equally important.

I did not attempt to visit and rate county parks, any other municipal parks in Frederick County, school parks, private community or HOA parks, dog parks; pools; or indoor rec centers. I was purely focused on outdoor parks in the city with playgrounds designed for the enjoyment of kids.

Here is my list of the top 10 Frederick city public playgrounds. To the great credit of the city’s Parks and Rec Department, most are very well maintained, and in many cases, absolutely immaculate. Most serve children between 2 and 12 years of age. Is your favorite here?

10.    Amber Meadows Park, 201 Amber Drive

This park serves the Amber Meadows community across from Ft. Detrick on Opposumtown Pike. It’s very shady with four benches and two large play structures. Other amenities include a shelter with several tables, six swings, a free-standing faux rock-climbing structure, balance beam and other built-in climbing items. The park spans both sides of Amber Drive and has two basketball courts, two tennis courts, a large ball field and walking trail. Go for the faux rock climbing. Kids loved this.
Score:  37 out of 50

9.       Cobblestone Park, 2401 Cobblestone Way
This very attractive park serves the Whittier community near Cobblestone, Greenleaf and Whittier Lake. It is adjacent to a pool serving this community. The park features a handsome bridge spanning a quiet stream, many shady trees, a walking trail, several benches, a basketball court and four swings. The large royal blue play structure has a bridge, swirly sliding board, tic-tac-toe game, monkey bars, a flip bar, rocking horses, climbing items and a firefighter’s pole.  Go for the flip bar and pole. This one is well worth a visit.

Score: 38 out of 50.

8.       Jimmy McGee Memorial Park, 2051 Old Farm Drive
This well-manicured park serves the Old Farm neighborhood off of Rosemont. It features two large distinct play areas each with a play structure. The park is ringed with shady trees and has a very inviting walking trail. There are two small shelters with tables; four swings; two very long slides, one inside a tunnel; and two unique climbing structures, one that looks like a spider’s web and one made from large blocks. Go for the shady walking trails and the very long sliding boards.

Score: 38.5 out of 50.

7.       Catoctin Park, 421 Columbus Avenue
This small park is a hidden gem. It is tucked in behind single-family homes on Catoctin Avenue, just off South Jefferson. Catoctin Park is supremely shady, the most shady of all the parks I visited.  It includes a shelter with tables, a half-court basketball court, eight swings, one large play structure with monkey bars, several climbing features, a tunnel slide and tunnel and racing slides. Go for the shadiness at any time of day.

Score:  39 out of 50.

6.       Carrollton Park, 455 Center Street
This large park at the intersection of Center Street and Prospect Boulevard serves the Fieldpoint area. It features a lively basketball court, ball field, six swings, free-standing plastic rock-climbing features, a walking trail, large shelter with tables and a merry-go-round. Many large trees within provide fine shade. The one play structure is designed for the 2-5 set and has a bumpy slide, two racing slides and several climbing features.  Go for the basketball and climbing features.

Score: 39 out of 50

5.       East Third Street Park, 252 East Third Street
This urban oasis at the corner of East Third and East Streets is beautifully maintained and very shady. It is adjacent to Pistarros and was full of families eating pizza on round tables under large shady trees when I visited. There is also a shelter with traditional picnic tables, a large playing area with many distinct play stations such as traditional free-standing monkey bars, a large traditional merry-go-round and a real “up and down” see-saw. The small play structure is designed for very young children and has a swirly slide, racing slide and climbing features. Go for a shady lunch that you can linger over and to watch your kids enjoy the old-time amenities.

Score: 43 out of 50

4.       Staley Park, 11 West Tenth Street
This wonderfully maintained 20+ acre park sits at the corner of Motter Avenue and West Tenth Street adjacent to Staley Field and across from North Frederick Elementary School. The park includes a basketball court, ball field, two large shelters and two distinct playing areas for the older and younger sets. The many large trees sprinkled throughout the park make it very shady. There are plenty of benches for parents to watch their young ones. There is a free-standing, swirly sliding board, a sand pit, rocking animals and ten swings. The play structures feature racing slides, monkey bars, a faux drawbridge, multiple climbing features and tunnel slides.  Go for the variety of play, shade, and space.

Score:  45 out of 50

3.       Greenleaf Park, 1950 East Greenleaf Drive
This large, immaculate, shady park serves the Whittier community near Greenleaf Drive. It is adjacent to an attractive community pool and very near Whittier Lake. It features multiple soccer fields, a large shelter with tables and four swings and rocking animals. There are two play structures, one for older kids and one for younger ones. The smaller structure has multiple slides. The larger structure is the highest and most elaborate of all the structures I visited. It has multiple, very high slides including racing slides, tunnels, bridges and various challenging climbing items including faux rock climbing. Go for the challenging play structure for your older children.

Score: 46 out of 50

2.       Baker Park 1, North Bentz and West Second Streets
This varied, destination park in the heart of Frederick is just steps from downtown, Carroll Creek, bell tower, bandshell and Talley Rec Center. It’s many tall, established trees provide plenty of shade. Numerous nearby benches make it easy for parents to lounge and spend hours. Park features acres of fun that kids will sprint to: a faux zip line; a modern, four-person see-saw; merry-go-round; sand pit; rock climbing structures; spider web climber; and an unforgettable life-size Candy Land game. The play structure for the older set is close to perfect: multiple climbing features, a faux drawbridge, monkey bars, four different slides including a racing slide, tunnel slide, and swirly slide.  Go for the variety, hours of fun (if you so choose), side trips to the creek, and enchanting Candy Land game.

Score: 48 out of 50

  1. Baker Park 2, College and Fleming Avenues
    Frederick’s top park is probably no surprise to you. The newer of Baker Park’s two play parks beats out the older, more historic park by an eyelash mostly due to its proximity to the Thomas public pool and Carroll Creek and by its sheer variety. This beautiful, mostly shady destination park is bordered by the pool, Carroll Creek and the tri-tunnels under College Avenue. Kids can look in any direction and be tempted by an irresistible attraction. But they’ll mostly want to stay in the play area. It features not just one or two play structures, but four play structures, mostly for the younger kids. The one structure devoted to the older kids rivals any of the others I saw. The park has 12 small shelters with tables that make it perfect for picnicking, a bench swing, a rock-climbing feature whimsically shaped like a dinosaur, eight swings, a zip line, a real “up and down” see-saw and a self-turner. Ducks and geese wander by freely. Go for the variety of play possibilities, a picnic lunch and sheer beauty.

Score:  49 out of 50.

Kids having fun at #1 park — Baker Park 2.

Honorable Mention

Baughman’s Babee Park, Madison Street and Burck Street
Small urban park with smallish play structures, but very shady and inviting.

Kidwiler Park, 551 Schley Avenue
Sprawling neighborhood park has lots of amenities but the lack of variety on the play structure holds it back a bit. Still worth a visit.

Maryvale Park, 529 Mary Street
Large, varied neighborhood park behind China Garden on West Patrick and next to the Keilholtz Horseshoe Complex. Real climbing boulders and a nearby culvert to explore!

Mullinix Park, 16 South Bentz Street next to Diggs Pool
Urban oasis park greets you with large, real boulders to climb on but a structure that is difficult for kids to navigate and dedicated to climbing which is already well covered. Could use more variety.

Willowdale Park, 158 Willowdale Drive
This woodsy, seemingly country park is small, varied and well shaded, but the real attraction is the ability to wade in nearby Rock Creek, which many kids were doing when I visited.

Grove Park, 36 Hamilton Avenue across from Fairgrounds
Very attractive playground is shady but not too varied. Seems like an afterthought to the ball field, which is home to East Frederick Little League.

Riverwalk Park, 1901 Schifferstadt Boulevard
Attractive park, but play structure is small, not too varied, and a long walk from parking.

Stonegate Park, 1565 Andover Lane
Large, well-maintained park with shelter, lively basketball court, and two play structures. Varied play items but absolutely no shade brings it down a bit and limits when you can play.

Special Note on Sophie & Madigan’s Playground

This park is not specifically a city park although the city does help maintain it and provide restrooms and water. Located within city limits in the West Side Regional Park just off of Butterfly Lane, it is a privately designed park in honor of Sophie and Madigan Lillard, two young children who were tragically killed in a fire a few years ago. If this were a city park it would rival the top city parks for best playground. It is whimsically designed and inclusive of special needs children with a castle-themed play structure, multiple swings, merry-go-round, a people-powered carousel and other structures. Their website ( promises many more features to come, too.

Gavin Bennett enjoying the rocking horse at Sophie & Madigan’s Playground

Roads Less Traveled – Biking the entire C&O Canal in 10 easy trips

By Gary Bennett

The Bennett on the C&O Canal (Credit: Prime Time Magazine, June 2022)

This article appeared in the Prime Time Magazine supplement to the Frederick News-Post, May 25, 2022.

Oil up your chain, inflate your tires, and, if you are anywhere in Maryland, head out with your bike onto the historic C&O Canal. My wife and I completed the entire stretch in 10 easy trips. We’ll tell you how we did it further below. But first, about the canal.

This 19th century engineering marvel was transformed in the 1950’s into the longest and thinnest U.S. national historic park. In most areas it is only about 50 feet wide but meanders for 184 gorgeous miles from the mouth of Rock Creek Park in Georgetown to the rugged hills of Cumberland.  Frederick is conveniently located about half way along the canal.

C&O Canal Historic Park meanders 184 beautiful miles from Georgetown to Cumberland, MD.

Originally designed to carry coal, lumber, grain, and hay from coastal towns inland, helping to open up the western frontier, the canal today preserves history and promotes recreation. The canal towpath was originally used by mules and their handlers to pull the canal boats through the still water but now is a well-maintained biking, hiking, and running trail. It parallels the Potomac River for its entire length and is mostly in sight of this peaceful river that outlines Maryland’s southern border.

Riding west to east on the canal has the advantage of a slight downhill grade, and you’ll want to take advantage of that. You won’t notice it much except at each of the 75 locks, which were used to raise and lower boats according to the change in elevation along the route. During your trip, you’ll descend only 605 feet from Cumberland to near sea level in Georgetown, but every little bit helps.

The following itinerary is the one we followed and is designed for biking novices or families of all types.  For time estimates, figure on averaging about 7 miles per hour, which is very easy pedaling.

Day 1:  26 miles – Cumberland to Paw Paw, WV
The beautiful jumping off spot at the western terminus in historic Cumberland at mile marker 184 features a spotless Fairfield Inn right on the canal, an historic canal boat replica, lots of restaurants for good, cheap eats, the Cumberland Visitor Center with interesting exhibits on the B&O Railroad, National Road, and canal, and a downtown walking area. Bike along to Oldtown, just 10 miles away, and have lunch at the town’s former elementary school, which is just off the trail. Continue on another 16 miles to mile marker 158 and the historic Paw Paw Tunnel. The small town of Paw Paw, West Virginia, named after the abundant fruit tree in the area, is just across the Potomac River and features a hotel, some restaurants, and a camping area.

Lock #75 near Cumberland, MD displays 19th century engineering at its best.

Day 2: 17 miles – Paw Paw to Little Orleans
Departing from the Paw Paw Tunnel, which is over 3,000 feet long and built to bypass the Paw Paw Bends, a six-mile stretch on the Potomac River with five horseshoe-shaped bends, ride 17 miles on the most secluded part of the trail to the tiny hamlet of Little Orleans and mile marker 141. Make sure to have a good working flashlight with you as the Paw Paw Tunnel is not well lit.  This part of the trail passes through Green Ridge State Forest. If you go on a weekday, chances are you will see no other riders. Little Orleans features camping and the terrific Oak Barrell Cafe, with easy access to I-70 and Route 40.  Ask for the “Kickin’ Chicken” at Oak Barrell.

3,000-foot long Paw Paw Tunnel shaved six miles off canal trips in its day.

Day 3: 16 miles – Little Orleans, MD to Hancock, MD
Depart Little Orleans and bike 16 miles to Hancock, a charming little town in Washington County that sits in the shadow of nearby Sideling Hill. In Hancock have lunch or dinner at Buddy Lou’s, a local institution right on the trail that caters to locals and riders alike. Get the pecan, blue cheese, and strawberry salad and browse their fine collection of antiques. This leg of the trail features two scenic aqueducts: Sideling Hill Creek and Cacapon Junction.  Be sure to visit the Hancock Visitor Center for a nice respite. Hotels are also available.

C&O Canal Historical Park in Hancock is one of many welcome respites along the way.

Day 4: 13 miles – Hancock, MD to Big Pool, MD
Depart Hancock and travel 13 miles to Fort Frederick State Park near Big Pool in Washington County.  Along the way, enjoy Little Pool and Licking Creek Aqueducts, both featuring camping, snacks and other amenities. Fort Frederick State Park right on the canal at Big Pool is worth an extended tour. There, you’ll see the unique stone fort that served as Maryland’s frontier defense during the French and Indian War. Built in 1756, the fort’s stone wall and two barracks have been restored to their 1758 appearance. The park’s campground, picnic area, snack bar, playground, shelter, some public restrooms and all trails are now open. 

Top-notch amenities are offered at Fort Frederick State Park in Big Pool, MD.

Day 5: 12 miles – Big Pool to Williamsport
Depart Fort Frederick State Park at Big Pool and bike 12 miles to the small town of Williamsport, just south of Hagerstown. Bypass several scenic dams and locks along the way. Take some time at the Williamsport Visitor Center and nearby Cushwa Warehouse to take in some canal history.  Have lunch or dinner at Tony’s Pizza and Italian Restaurant, just two blocks off the canal.  Red Roof Inn is not too far away if you need overnight accommodations.

Historic Cushwa Warehouse in Williamsport, MD offers canal boat rides.

Day 6: 26 miles – Williamsport to Shepherdstown, WV
Depart Williamsport and ride 26 miles to Shepherdstown, West Virginia.  This stretch of the canal features many camping options, including Cumberland Valley, Opequon Junction and Horseshoe Bend.  For sight-seeing, Killiansburg Cave is along the way. In Shepherdstown, excellent overnight accommodations and a great German meal await you at the well-known Bavarian Inn.

Day 7: 19 miles – Shepherdstown, WV to Brunswick, MD
Depart Shepherdstown and bike 19 miles to historic Brunswick. About halfway to Brunswick, which is home to another canal visitor center and former hub for the B&O Railroad, you’ll pass by Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, home to its namesake national historic park dedicated to John Brown’s unsuccessful raid on the federal armory during the Civil War. It is well worth your time to cross the newly reopened pedestrian bridge over the Potomac River into Harpers Ferry to take in the history and grab a nice lunch at one of its many cozy eateries.  The Appalachian Trail and Shenandoah River intersect the canal at this point so the townsfolk are well versed in serving sweaty travelers on foot, bike, or boat.  Brunswick, too, features several nice restaurants and hotels.

High above historic Harpers Ferry WV, which sits at the intersection of the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers, Appalachian Trail, and C&O Canal.

Day 8: 12 miles – Brunswick, MD to Dickerson, MD
Depart Brunswick and bike 12 miles to the Monocacy River Aqueduct near Dickerson in southern Frederick County. Along the way, enjoy the Catoctin Creek Aqueduct, Bald Eagle Island (where you might spy one its famous namesake inhabitants) and Calico Rocks and Indian Flats for camping and boating.  At the Monocacy River Aqueduct, bike another few miles inland to the venerable Dickerson Market for lunch or dinner.  Their giant beef hot dogs are worth the visit.

Day 9: 20 miles – Dickerson, MD to Seneca Creek Aqueduct
Depart Monocacy River Aqueduct near Dickerson and travel 20 miles to Seneca Creek Aqueduct in Montgomery County. This stretch of the canal passes by Whites Ferry, which is a working, hand-operated toll ferry crossing the Potomac River to nearby Leesburg, Virginia. It is well worth the time to make this crossing and either grab a bite in Leesburg or at the Whites Ferry Tavern.

Great Falls on the Potomac River turns the river from docile to ferocious very quickly.

Day 10: 23 miles – Seneca Creek Aqueduct to Georgetown
Depart Seneca Creek Aqueduct and travel 10 easy miles to Angler’s Inn near ritzy Potomac in Montgomery County. The highlight of this leg is Great Falls Park, home to the white-water portion of the Potomac River, Billy Goat hiking trail, canal boat rides, and numerous scenic overlooks.  Carve out some time for the Great Falls Tavern Visitor Center, which explores more history of the canal and local area.  Don’t miss lunch at the charming Old Angler’s Inn just off the trail. Try their gourmet burger on their beautiful patio.

After lunch, continue on another 13 miles to mile marker 0 in Georgetown.  This scenic and urbanized stretch features camping and boating at Carderock, the Clara Barton National Historic Site, charming Glen Echo Park and Fletcher’s Boathouse. Have dinner at Il Canale along the canal on 31st Street in DC.   Finish your adventure with pictures and high fives at the Georgetown Visitor Center.

Gary and Ellen Bennett after completing their 10-trip, 184-mile trek at the mouth of Rock Creek Park in Georgetown.